Keenan's Kids Foundation has been at the forefront of making a difference in the lives of at-risk youth since 1993.
The Atlanta-based Keenan’s Kids Foundation was formed in 1993 and the Florida-based Santa Rosa Beach office was formed in February 2015, to promote child advocacy and assist at-risk children.
The Keenan’s Kids Foundation works hard to educate the general public, law students, and practicing lawyers so they are more aware of the needs of children at-risk in the legal system and society.
At Keenan's Kids Foundation Recreation & Activities Center, we are here to give them the support they need in order to create an end-game for their future. We have a number of educational programs that help nurture our youth and help them develop the skills they will carry throughout their lives.
Now that our founder Don Keenan is spending a majority of time in North Florida with a KKF office near by, we have decided to take on a major project centered around a youth center. We've surveyed both the community attitude as well as existing programs for over a year and have confirmed a direct need for a youth center which is nonprofit. The two centers that do exist charge for admission which according to many parents, disqualifies their child from taking advantage of the services.